(IR) Sensor:
In this blog, I am going to explain IR sensors.
First, we will see its structure, and then we will see it working. So let’s
If you
see the picture above, this is a very common type of IR sensor. There are more
types as well. But this type is the main focus here.
of LEDs:
This sensor consists of a white LED as well as a Black
Led. One LED sends signals while the other one receives them.
The range of this sensor is not very long. It is
usually about 10-12 cm.
When you see on the top of it, you will notice a blue potentiometer from which its range can be adjusted by rotating the screw-type
thing with a screwdriver.
There are two lights next to the potentiometer. One
light is to display that the module is powered on while the other is to show
that this sensor is detecting something. Its working is not very difficult.
There are three pins next to the lights. The first pin
is OUT. This pin sends signals to the component connected to it. Next to it,
there is a GND pin which is negative. Next to it, the VCC pic is a positive pin
where we can give 5v from Arduino or any other power supply.
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